A recent substitution of route 75 trams with buses[1], has highlighted the need for a tram extension to Knox according to the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA). During the replacement period, passengers travelling between Burwood and Knox had make two transfers by taking one tram and two buses.
“This majorly inconvenient arrangement would be unlikely to occur with an extended tramline,” said PTUA outer east convenor Jeremy Lunn. “Passengers would be able to take a single tram service through to Knox, without any need to transfer.”
Mr Lunn said that the public are also still waiting for an announcement of a new timetable with better co-ordination between trams and the Knox Transit Link. Earlier this year the PTUA revealed [2] large gaps and poor co-ordination, despite the service being promised as a seamless connection.
“If the State Government can’t provide us with a bus service that has a seamless connection with trams, then this shows that the tram extension is an urgent requirement. It may well be more cost effective to run trams through to Knox than having buses waiting around for trams.”
“If it refuses to extend the tram to Knox, the government should be prepared to bear any necessary additional costs of running buses, if they refuse to extend the tram right away. What this would prove is that the tram extension would actually save money in the long run.”
“It’s time to bring the Knox Transit Link into the 21st century by making it a tram all the way to Knox. The Baillieu government should demonstrate its commitment towards transport in the outer east by committing to this project.”
[1] http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:r7Hq0qBgaYEJ:www.yarratrams.com.au/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-140/28_read-3140/+http://www.yarratrams.com.au/desktopdefault.aspx/tabid-140/28_read-3140/&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&client=safari
[2] http://www.ptua.org.au/2011/04/13/knox-transit-link/