Author: PTUA

  • Deja vu on road plan

    The budget appears set to transfer $1.5 billion of public funds from one big road with no political mandate or business case to another (“East West Link replacement likely …”, 11/5). If the government had any consideration for the Victorian public, this money would revert to its original 2013 purpose, helping fund the project that…

    Deja vu on road plan
  • State Budget: Big boost for rail, less for trams and buses

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has praised the State Budget for taking significant strides to bring the rail system into the 21st century, but noted tram upgrades are more limited, and most bus routes are unlikely to see any improvements. PTUA spokesperson Daniel Bowen said the Andrews Government deserved credit for taking rail transport…

    State Budget: Big boost for rail, less for trams and buses
  • Westlink revival: Where’s the business case?

    PTUA Demands End to ‘Knee-Jerk Planning’ The Public Transport Users Association has demanded the Andrews Government and Transurban publish all analysis supporting the government’s decision to progress the $5.5 billion Western Distributor toll road project. “The government has joined up with the company that makes money off tollroads, and together they’re springing on the public…

    Westlink revival: Where’s the business case?
  • End of East West Link ‘Zombie project’ a victory for Victoria

    State, Feds must now get moving on positive agenda, says PTUA. The Public Transport Users Association has welcomed the settlement between the Andrews Government and the East West Link consortium for the sum of $339 million. “After many months of claim and counterclaim from all sides of this affair it is a great relief for…

    End of East West Link ‘Zombie project’ a victory for Victoria
  • Side Letter sign of road lobby’s anti-democratic desperation

    The unprecedented letter of guarantee on the East West Link is part of an ugly, anti-democratic “end game” by the road lobby in the face of public rejection, the Public Transport Users Association said today. Former Treasurer Michael O’Brien signed the deed on 29 September last year, eight weeks before losing the November state election,…

    Side Letter sign of road lobby’s anti-democratic desperation
  • Open Letter to Tony Abbott: Your referendum is lost. Please put the $3 billion back

    Your Referendum Is Lost. Now Please Put the $3 Billion Back Where It Came From. An Open Letter to the Hon Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister of Australia 1st December 2014 Dear Mr Abbott, On 8 November when you visited Victoria, you declared our State election a referendum on the East West Link. This was…

    Open Letter to Tony Abbott: Your referendum is lost. Please put the $3 billion back
  • Victorians have spoken on need for public transport over roads

    The Public Transport Users Association has congratulated the ALP and Premier-elect Daniel Andrews on their historic election victory, but has reminded the new government that Victorian electors will hold them to their promise to cancel the East West Link project. “We’re very hopeful that this result in Victoria is where Australian politics starts to redeem…

    Victorians have spoken on need for public transport over roads
  • Is that how you’d spend $18 billion?

    East West Link stage 1. Is that really how you’d spend $18 billion? Choose carefully when you vote.

    Is that how you’d spend $18 billion?
  • Tony Abbott’s “Open letter” is electoral blackmail based on false claims

    Tony Abbott is trying to bully Victorians to vote for a dubious road project and against public transport, making claims the PTUA believes to be false. His open letter does not stand scrutiny. The $3 billion Tony Abbott insists is only for the East West Link was previously allocated to the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel.…

    Tony Abbott’s “Open letter” is electoral blackmail based on false claims
  • Who can you trust?

    From our friends at Public Transport Not Traffic — this video looks back at the Coalition’s public transport promises before the 2010 election, versus their actions since.

    Who can you trust?
  • PTUA delivers transport verdict

    The Public Transport Users Association has delivered its verdict on party policies going into the state election. While the PTUA recommended the Coalition over Labor in the 2010 election, PTUA President Tony Morton said they could not do so this time, because the unwanted, unmandated East West Link was a spectre hanging over the Coalition’s…

    PTUA delivers transport verdict
  • Melbourne’s Sunday trains now start last

    A survey of rail timetables by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has found that Melbourne trains start later on Sundays than any other city in Australia. PTUA spokesperson Daniel Bowen said the comparison of timetables from Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Sydney and Melbourne showed we are lagging behind. “Last time we looked at this[1], Adelaide’s…

    Melbourne’s Sunday trains now start last