Author: PTUA

  • Google Transit includes every state and territory except Victoria

    From Gladstone to Kalgoorlie, from Darwin to Hobart, and many other towns and cities across Australia, if you want to take a trip by public transport, you can use Google’s world-class mapping tools to help plan it. In fact Google Transit now covers public transport timetables for every state and territory in the country… except…

    Google Transit includes every state and territory except Victoria
  • Second river crossing? There are already four!

    More details on Melbourne’s many river crossings from the west

  • Open letter to Premier Napthine reminds Coalition of their promise to fix public transport not build East-West toll road

    The Public Transport Users Association today published an open letter to Premier Napthine in the Herald Sun reminding the Government of their promise to fix public transport rather than build the East-West toll road. “With our public transport network falling apart, Victorians are shocked that the Government is prioritising this half-baked toll road project without…

  • Last chance for Victorian Government to honour its promises

    The Napthine Government could boost its tenuous grip on power and regain the confidence of the Victorian public if it kept its 2010 election promises on transport – but time is running out, the Public Transport Users Association said today.

    Last chance for Victorian Government to honour its promises
  • Neat, plausible and wrong: East West Link

    PTUA President Tony Morton’s in-depth article on the history and folly of East West Link, originally published in Eco-Logica: World Transport Policy and Practice, is now available online on the YCAT web site. The state of Victoria, Australia, has long been a site of tension between an incumbent and powerful road lobby and a community…

    Neat, plausible and wrong: East West Link
  • PTV’s new proposed rail map

    As mentioned in our May member newsletter, PTV is seeking comments on this new design for the rail map. Click on the map to see it full size. Leave a comment on our Facebook page – or you can send your feedback directly to PTV.

    PTV’s new proposed rail map
  • Free transport forum: How do liveable cities stay liveable?

    Promoting public discussion about transport in Melbourne WHEN: May 27, 2014 at 6pm – 7:30pm WHERE: Melbourne Town Hall RSVP here

    Free transport forum: How do liveable cities stay liveable?
  • East West Link: submission

    Click below to read the PTUA’s submission to the East West Link hearings in April. The submission identifies a number of important issues not flagged in the Comprehensive Impact Statement, including problems with traffic modelling, local impacts on trains, trams and buses. East West Toll Road: Impacts Missing From the Comprehensive Impact Statement (PDF, 539…

    East West Link: submission
  • Big splurge on roads, while public transport planned on the run, says PTUA

    The 2014 State Budget will splurge $7 billion on new roads in the next term of government alone, yet will spend only $2.5 billion on new public transport developments in that time. This includes welcome spending on level crossing grade separations and early works on a long-awaited rail link to Melbourne Airport. But actual airport…

    Big splurge on roads, while public transport planned on the run, says PTUA
  • Road-building feeds the congestion monster

    Liveable for how long? Not only is the federal government to give $1 billion towards building the western half of the East West Link without a shred of a business case (unless we count the Eddington Report’s 45¢ return in the dollar), Victorians are to be slugged with an extra year of tolls so that…

  • Zone 2 residents likely worse off, not better off from fare changes: PTUA

    The Public Transport Users Association has slammed the Napthine Government’s announcement of a flat fare cap for Melbourne as a “lost opportunity” to reform fares in a sustainable direction, and as a longer-term hit on people in the suburbs that the scheme is supposed to help. “If Premier Napthine really wanted to make public transport…

  • PM’s nonsensical logic

    Does Tony Abbott really think Victorians will accept that black is white? That the best way to fund public transport expansion is to not fund it? More specifically, to pull all federal funding out of urban public transport on spurious ideological grounds and pour money into competing road projects instead (“Tony Abbott backs East West…