Author: PTUA

  • Lacklustre debut for route 58, while other tram routes suffer

    On 1 May Yarra Trams commenced running a new tram route 58, a reorganisation of existing routes to West Coburg and Toorak. This change had been a long time in planning, and was aimed at providing a higher daytime frequency on the increasingly popular William Street route, and providing a direct east-west connection complementing the…

    Lacklustre debut for route 58, while other tram routes suffer
  • V/Line: Jack of all trades…?

    V/Line has been very much a victim of its own success over the last decade, with each new investment, from Regional Fast Rail to the Regional Rail Link, resulting in a boom in passenger numbers. This shows that when governments invest in a decent public transport option, people will flock to it – but unfortunately…

    V/Line: Jack of all trades…?
  • Problem of the Week

    Seen a Public Transport problem that you want to call out? Something that bugs you – big or small – that could and should be fixed? Let us know via Email, Tweet @PTUA or Facebook. Include #PTUA #POTW hashtags. Send pics. We will investigate the most popular problems, look into the history, find the…

    Problem of the Week
  • State, Federal governments must make a deal to fix transport

    Tuesday’s Victorian State Budget embodies a “good news for everyone” approach to transport spending, the Public Transport Users Association has said. Giving the Andrews Government a qualified thumbs-up, the PTUA also demanded the Federal Government make good on Malcolm Turnbull’s promise not to let ideology cloud investment decisions in transport. The Budget’s headline initiative for…

    State, Federal governments must make a deal to fix transport
  • PTUA welcomes funding of bus interchange at Ballarat station

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today welcomed the announcement of $5 million funding for the construction of a new bus interchange at Ballarat railway station, to be completed in 2018. The bus interchange had been included in draft plans during public consultation, but notably was not funded in Ballarat Station Precinct works announced in…

    PTUA welcomes funding of bus interchange at Ballarat station
  • PTUA welcomes new Track-free Airport Trains to Tullamarine

    PTUA president Dr Tony Morton today welcomed news of the Skybus Citylink Airport Maxi service – an innovative partnership between the state government, Skybus, Transurban and Melbourne Airport. “We have seen a massive increase in demand for transport to the airport, and something had to be done. This new service makes great sense, it’s immediate…

    PTUA welcomes new Track-free Airport Trains to Tullamarine
  • PTUA calls for Night Network to stay – but must be made more efficient

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has proclaimed the Night Network trial a success, and that it needs to be a permanent feature of Melbourne’s public transport network[1] – but said it must be reformed to improve the service and make it financially sustainable and more useful for passengers. PTUA spokesman Daniel Bowen said that…

    PTUA calls for Night Network to stay – but must be made more efficient
  • PTUA joins call to put the public interest into public transport

    The Public Transport Users Association is lending its support to a campaign by the Rail Tram Bus Union to strengthen the government’s role in operating public transport, to put the public interest first and foremost. The RTBU together with Trades Hall, academics and community groups today launched a campaign calling on the government to consider…

    PTUA joins call to put the public interest into public transport
  • Transport: Business as usual strategy needs rebalancing with community input

    Infrastructure Victoria has restated a “business as usual” approach to transport in its draft 30 year strategy, and should take the opportunity to reflect more views from outside a cloistered Collins Street bureaucracy, the Public Transport Users Association said today. “Infrastructure Victoria has the potential to be a great independent advisor to the State of…

    Transport: Business as usual strategy needs rebalancing with community input
  • Are we actually paying more for transport?

    Figures produced for the Australian Automobile Association give the impression that transport costs to households are rising. But overall they’re actually falling. Official statistics show that household expenditure on transport fell from 13% of household income in the 1990s to 11% in 2009-10: (Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Household Expenditure Survey 2009-10 Summary of Results)…

    Are we actually paying more for transport?
  • Citizen juries back public transport

    Support Juries with More Time and Resources, urges PTUA The Public Transport Users Association has welcomed the release of reports by Infrastructure Victoria’s first metropolitan and regional citizen juries. After six days of deliberations, the juries have strongly endorsed public transport service expansion, and active transport initiatives, as a priority over new roads. But the…

    Citizen juries back public transport
  • Outer Circle documentary screening

    If you missed our screening of the Outer Circle documentary, or you’d like to see it again, it’s available for purchase or streaming from

    Outer Circle documentary screening