Category: Media releases

  • Regional Rail Link must be reviewed, users say

    The Public Transport Users Association has criticised the state government for giving the go-ahead to the Regional Rail Link (RRL), without an independent review to fix the project’s problems and explore alternative plans. PTUA secretary Tony Morton said the government’s approval made a mockery of its commitment to set up an independent Public Transport Development…

  • Geelong Branch: Regional Rail Link needs independent review, users say

    The Geelong Branch of the Public Transport Users Association is disappointed that the state government has given the go-ahead to the Regional Rail Link (RRL) without any real changes. “When he was in opposition, Public Transport Minister Terry Mulder made a number of pointed criticisms of the scheme, yet now he has rushed into announcing…

  • Monash Uni fails bus test

    Photos released today by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) have revealed large hordes of students at Monash University bus interchange and very few actual buses in sight. “Once again Monash students are being left behind by the Department of Transport,” said PTUA outer east convenor Jeremy Lunn. “These photos clearly show consistently high demand…

  • Bus lane removal short-sighted

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has condemned the removal of bus lanes on Stud Road. It says a combined solution incorporating buses and rail is needed for Rowville. “Removing bus lanes will only create temporary relief for motorists,” said PTUA outer east convenor Jeremy Lunn. “In the absence of effective public transport congestion will…

  • Monthly tickets too expensive, says PTUA

    Melbourne’s monthly tickets are markedly more expensive than those in other cities, a survey by the PTUA (Public Transport Users Association) has found. The study, comparing periodical public transport tickets around the world, found that Melbourne’s monthly tickets were not priced to encourage frequent public transport usage. “A monthly ticket in Melbourne costs around the…

  • Billion dollar rail blowout a blessing in disguise

    The billion dollar blowout in the construction costs of the Regional Rail Link, reported in the Australian Financial Review today (3 February 2011), could provide the opportunity to revise the project and fix its worst problems, the Public Transport Users Association has said. Secretary Tony Morton said that well-chosen experts for the proposed new Public…

  • Transport review must include the regional rail link

    The PTUA has called on the Minister for Public Transport, Terry Mulder, to include an evaluation of the Regional Rail Link (RRL) in the review of the former government’s transport plan. PTUA Geelong Branch convenor Paul Westcott noted that in his recent announcement of the review, Mr Mulder said all projects proposed in the Victorian…

  • Rail planning more broken than ever: fix it, say users

    The new Metro train timetable shows why urgent reform is needed in public transport planning, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) said today. While Metro’s new timetable, to take effect from May, brings some extra services, it comes at a cost. Some stations have their peak services reduced, and run at confusing 22 minute frequencies.…

  • Christmas confusion and inadequate services during holiday period

    With the Christmas season upon us, the shortcomings of public transport on weekends and public holidays have been highlighted on Boxing Day, said to be Melbourne’s busiest shopping day of the year. Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) President Daniel Bowen said the problems were threefold: services didn’t start early enough for Boxing Day CBD shoppers;…

  • Public transport carries Coalition to victory

    Policies to set up an independent Public Transport Development Authority, new trains and rail lines to Rowville and East Doncaster appear to have delivered the Coalition victory in the Victorian state election, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) said today. “Victorians clearly recognised that public transport had been turning into a shambles,” said PTUA President…

  • Eastern transport derails Brumby

    Public transport in Melbourne’s east has been a major factor contributing towards the swing to the Liberal Party, according to the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA). The PTUA has welcomed policies such as the Rowville and Doncaster railway lines, along with the independent Public Transport Development Authority, which helped deliver victory to the Coalition. “Commuters…

  • PTUA welcomes Coalition pledge of Authority to run public transport

    The PTUA has applauded the Liberal/National Coalition’s transport policy, noting that their commitment to establish a new Public Transport Development Authority is likely to make the huge difference to Melbourne’s ailing transport system. “For too long Melbourne’s public transport has drowned in a sea of red tape, with scores of agencies, but nobody taking responsibility…