Category: Media releases

  • Bus Users Welcome Council’s Tick for Moorabool Street

    The Geelong Branch of the Public Transport Users Association has congratulated the council on its decision to reinstate a central bus interchange in Moorabool Street. Geelong Branch convenor Paul Westcott said that the decision would make Geelong’s bus system more user-friendly and remove a major obstacle to future upgrades. “It’s very pleasing to see the…

  • Passengers welcome Parliamentary Rail Inquiry

    The Public Transport Users Association has thrown its weight behind the announcement by the Greens MP, Greg Barber, that he will seek a parliamentary inquiry to investigate failures on Victoria’s rail system. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said the extraordinary number of train cancellations over January – well over a thousand – were “simply unacceptable” for…

  • Let’s move on real solutions, not just freebies

    The government needs to scrap its re-privatisation of Melbourne trains and trams and get to work on real solutions to the transport crisis, the Public Transport Users Association said today. “Today’s free travel is a gimmick obscuring the real issue,” said PTUA President Daniel Bowen. “It does no good when you’re about to collapse from…

  • Transport Plan a ‘disgrace’ to the Outer East

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has slammed John Brumby’s Transport Plan for failing to provide real transport solutions in Melbourne’s outer east. Instead the plan seeks to bail out Eastlink, while encouraging outer east residents to travel by car rather than public transport. “John Brumby has once again failed to deliver a sustainable future…

  • Brumby’s foot to the floor on freeways as public transport stagnates

    Premier John Brumby’s new Transport Plan is a plan to get Victorians out of public transport and into cars, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) said today. “Sure, it’s nice to see the government un-break some of its broken promises and finally commit to some of the public transport projects it should have built five…

  • Transport Plan must commit to real change

    The government’s new transport plan will need to contain more than sweeteners, un-broken promises and business-as-usual road projects if it is to energise the community, the Public Transport Users Association said today. “This government has made quite a name for itself by releasing a lame transport plan every two years,” said PTUA President Daniel Bowen.…

  • Eastlink always was the wrong solution

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has attacked the State Government for propping up Eastlink with $700 million of taxpayer funds through its decision to build a Frankston Bypass. The Association says the money should be used to improve public transport instead. “We warned the government that Eastlink would be the wrong solution to our…

  • PTUA says extra rail services still needed

    Given the enormous growth in off-peak rail journeys across Melbourne, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is confident that in its upcoming transport statement, the state government will announce more off-peak train services, adding to those which started this week. “Finally the government has listened to the community and realises the need for increased off-peak…

  • Transport plan cuts spark calls for review of ‘extravagant’ Eddington Tunnels

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the State Government to make spending on suburban rail extensions the State’s highest transport infrastructure priority, following reports that the State Government would scale back spending on its upcoming transport plan. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said the State Government should reconsider its plans for the expensive…

  • Call for Council Candidates to Come Clean on Central Buses

    The Geelong Branch of the Public Transport Users Association has called on all candidates for the City of Greater Geelong council to declare their support for the return of a bus interchange to Moorabool Street. Branch convenor Paul Westcott said Geelong voters had a right to know if their councillors were going to stand in…

  • Free ‘night owl’ travel not quite the hoot

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has warned that Premier John Brumby’s proposal for free “night owl” travel will only result in worse crowding on evening trains.

  • Good public transport would save households thousands

    Multi-car families could save thousands of dollars a year if they had access to high quality public transport services, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has said. In promoting a call for public transport services “Every 10 Minutes to Everywhere“, PTUA president Daniel Bowen said that if fast frequent services were provided, more outer-suburban families…