Category: Media releases

  • Langdon’s freeway not welcome

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has slammed Ivanhoe Labor MP Craig Langdon’s call for a freeway between Bulleen and Greensborough. This recent move by Langdon comes despite multiple promises that he would resign if this freeway were ever constructed.

  • Alamein upgrade call

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for an end to the archaic practice of terminating Alamein shuttle trains at Camberwell. “This practice is way out of date and ought to be replaced by running direct Flinders Street trains,” said Jeremy Lunn, the PTUA’s Outer-East Convenor.

  • Budget brings slow progress on public transport

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed upgrades to public transport announced in the state budget, but warned that more needed to be done to provide Victorians with sustainable transport choices. “There are certainly some welcome upgrades that have been announced, but nowhere near what’s really needed to provide relief from chronic traffic congestion…

  • High petrol price signals Rowville Rail need

    With petrol prices expected to hit $1.60 in the next fortnight, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has warned the State Government that urgent action is required. According to the association, the Rowville railway line is the only sure-fire way to ensure economic stability in the Monash region, as petrol prices continue to rise.

  • Tram-like buses to solve transport woes

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is calling on Geelong councillors to support a bid to the State Government for “tram-like” bus routes in Geelong. The Association has been meeting with councillors to seek support for three high-quality bus routes along Geelong’s major roads, as the first priority for upgrading the whole system.

  • Tram-like buses to solve transport woes

    In response to bus reviews in Manningham/Monash/Whitehorse, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is calling for principal ‘tram-like’ bus routes to be established on all main roads in the three municipalities. “The current bus network with all its spaghetti-tangled routes, just doesn’t meet our travel needs in the 21st century,” said Jeremy Lunn, the PTUA’s…

  • Transport policy on road to climate disaster, says new report

    Greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks are currently growing so fast that national emission reduction targets will be impossible to achieve; biofuels are causing hunger and deforestation for little or no benefit; and new motorways make carbon pricing more painful for vulnerable households. These are just some of the warnings contained in a new…

  • Train timetable revamp welcomed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed the government’s revamp of train timetables. From November the Clifton Hill loop will run in a consistent direction, and more trains will be diverted out of the over-congested City Loop. From mid-2009, more trains will run in off-peak hours. PTUA president Daniel Bowen said the long-awaited changes…

  • Road and rail tunnels not needed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has reacted with intense skepticism to the tunnel projects recommended by the East-West Link Needs Assessment (EWLNA). The EWLNA, headed by Sir Rod Eddington, recommended an 18km cross city road tunnel, connecting the Eastern Freeway at Clifton Hill with the western suburbs, and a 17km underground rail tunnel, running…

  • Manningham shunned again … and again

    Manningham public transport users have missed out on free Earlybird travel to be rolled out across the metropolitan train network at a cost of $10 million pa. From 31 March train users arriving at their destination before 7am will be able to travel one-way for free.

  • Sunday bus black hole in Whitehorse/Manningham

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for a complete rewrite of Sunday bus timetables in Melbourne’s east, to be carried out immediately. Under this plan, Sunday bus services would operate during the daytime on the same timetable as Saturdays.

  • Tram 96 among the world’s best — but could be even better

    Melbourne’s tram route 96, from East Brunswick through the city to St Kilda, has been declared one of the top ten tram rides in the world, according to National Geographic[1]. National Geographic’s new book “Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World’s Greatest Trips”, published late last year, highlighted tram routes from cities around the…