Category: Media releases

  • Bring Back the Buses – Users Call for Buses to Return to the City Centre

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for bus stops to return to the city centre, in a submission to a state government review of Geelong’s central bus services.

  • Australian public transport users unite in call for federal funds

    Joint media release from: Action for Public Transport (NSW), Public Transport Users Association (Vic), People for Public Transport (SA), Sustainable Transport Coalition (WA), Community Action for Sustainable Transport (Qld), ACT Transit Group and Environment Tasmania. Public transport users from around Australia have united to urge federal government funding for public transport, citing major economic, health…

  • We want the bus

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) and Templestowe Road Reference Panel have joined forces to demand a much-needed, new bus service along Templestowe Road linking Heidelberg Station with The Pines. This important Manningham arterial road, the ‘missing link’ in Manningham’s transport network, is one of the few without an adequate public transport service and links…

  • Cut our oil dependency – invest in public transport, government urged

    The federal government should invest in public transport to cut Australia’s growing dependence on Middle East oil, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) said today. “Oil production in Australia is in terminal decline, along with production in most other oil producing countries,” said PTUA President Daniel Bowen. “As a result we’re going to see higher…

  • Environment, social and transport groups call for a peak oil management plan

    Major transport and urban planning reforms are needed to prepare Victoria for significant increases in petrol prices, say the environment, social and transport groups organising today’s conference Peak Oil, Petrol Prices and Climate Change: Preparing Victoria for the Future. These plans must include massive investment in public transport in both Melbourne and rural and regional…

  • Report vindicates public transport campaign

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the Government to present a new vision for Melbourne’s public transport network amid an independent report citing concern over urban sustainability.

  • Melbourne’s transport fares the highest – study

    A study of public transport fares around Australia has shown that for most trips, Melbourne’s fares are the highest of any of Australia’s mainland capital cities. The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) surveyed fares in Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney and Canberra, and compared them with the fares to come into effect in Melbourne in June.…

  • Federal budget bypasses sustainable transport

    Public transport advocates have criticised the Federal Budget for again failing to fund sustainable transport initiatives. Victoria’s Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) said the Federal Government continued to ignore the problem, against the advice of such bodies as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), whose report last week on mitigating climate change highlighted the…

  • Commuters welcome extra trains, but more needed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed the government’s commitment to expand the train fleet, to help deal with unprecedented crowding on suburban rail services, but noted more needed to be done across the public transport network.

  • Geelong bus crisis ignored in budget

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today called the State Budget a `grave disappointment’ for Geelong, with no new measures to halt the drop in patronage on Geelong’s urban buses.

  • Commuters welcome extra trains, but more needed for west

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed the government’s commitment to expand the train fleet and redevelop Footscray station, but noted more needed to be done to help western suburbs commuters.

  • Budget disappoints (Manningham)

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today called the State Budget a ‘disappointment’ for Manningham residents, with no extra allocated funding to solve the transport concerns of the area following unprecedented crowding on services.