Category: Media releases

  • NEITS a sham: Where’s the projects?

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has condemned the lack of credible projects presented in the North East Integrated Transport Study (NEITS) and dismissed the study as inadequate for Melbourne’s growing north-east.

  • Privatisation to blame for compensation bungle

    Government bears ultimate responsibility, says user group The Bracks Government should take responsibility for the Connex / Eastlink compensation debacle, the Public Transport Users Association said today.

  • Time to get back to basics on fare evasion, say commuters

    Some entrances to Melbourne’s busiest stations are consistently unstaffed, leading to increased fare evasion, says the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA). The PTUA called on public transport operators to get back to basics on fare evasion, providing consistent staffing at stations, particularly major interchanges. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said a study showed the popular Degraves…

  • Buses or Bust

    Users Launch Petition for Frequent Bus Services The Geelong Branch of the PTUA today launched a petition calling on the major political parties to bring the region’s bus services up to useable standards, within a year from November’s State Election. The petition calls for more frequent services running later into the evening as the key…

  • Forget petrol prices, give us more public transport!

    “Ethanol won’t stop petrol prices going up”, government told. Joint media release from: Action for Public Transport (NSW), Public Transport Users Association (Vic), People for Public Transport (SA), Sustainable Transport Coalition (WA). Transport user groups around Australia have called on the federal government to provide an escape from rising petrol prices by upgrading public transport.…

  • Users welcome V/Line changes

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed the announcement of new V/Line timetables, to take effect in September. PTUA president Daniel Bowen said that while the new timetables were not perfect, they were a big improvement to those living, studying and working along the five main train lines, with a healthy boost to the…

  • Train timetable on the right track

    Users call for further changes and trains every half-hour The Public Transport Users Association’s Geelong Branch has welcomed V/Line’s new Geelong line timetable as an “important step in the right direction.”

  • Half our MPs ‘get on board’ for Car-Free Challenge

    Three of Geelong’s six MPs have accepted a challenge to go “car free” for some of their weekday journeys, the Public Transport Users Association announced today. Geelong Branch Convener, Tim Petersen, congratulated MPs Ian Trezise, Lisa Neville and John Eren for taking up the challenge to rely on public transport for at least some of…

  • MPs not keen on Car-Free Challenge — Users Suggest Relaxed Guidelines

    The Public Transport Users Association has suggested some relaxed guidelines for the seven-day car-free challenge, after one of the six Geelong MPs flatly refused to take part and no response was received from the others.

  • ‘Hand over your car keys’ — Geelong MPs challenged to a car-free week

    The Public Transport Users Association has challenged Geelong’s State MPs to survive one week without driving a car.

  • State budget burdening suburbs

    Transport Minister not supporting key ‘20% by 2020’ public transport policy The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has reignited calls for the resignation of the current Transport Minister, Peter Batchelor, amid a Budget that has failed to prevent excessive car dependence, with the goal of increasing public transport modal share sliding backwards.

  • Wanted: Bus service for Templestowe Road

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) and Templestowe Road Reference Panel have joined forces to demand the State Government provide funding for a new bus service along Templestowe Road joining Heidelberg Station and The Pines.