Category: Melbourne east

  • We want the bus

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) and Templestowe Road Reference Panel have joined forces to demand a much-needed, new bus service along Templestowe Road linking Heidelberg Station with The Pines. This important Manningham arterial road, the ‘missing link’ in Manningham’s transport network, is one of the few without an adequate public transport service and links…

  • Report vindicates public transport campaign

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the Government to present a new vision for Melbourne’s public transport network amid an independent report citing concern over urban sustainability.

  • Budget disappoints (Manningham)

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today called the State Budget a ‘disappointment’ for Manningham residents, with no extra allocated funding to solve the transport concerns of the area following unprecedented crowding on services.

  • Maroondah Environment Forum

    The City of Maroondah is holding an environment forum to discuss issues of concern to the community and to address issues relating to urban sustainability. This will be one of a series, with this first forum consisting of a largely open format allowing the community to set the agenda for the issues that council should…

  • Get set for traffic chaos

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today warned that the State Government is failing Melbourne’s inner and eastern suburbs by neglecting to adequately plan and provide public transport before the opening of EastLink, or deal with current overcrowding on existing services.

  • Successful project a hopeful sign of things to come

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has congratulated the new Minister for Public Transport in delivering the Middleborough Road grade separation project ahead of schedule and with minimal inconvenience. “The Minister for Public Transport, Lynne Kosky, deserves congratulations for overseeing the Middleborough Road grade separation project and delivering a project ahead of schedule,” said PTUA…

  • Summer timetables lack consistency

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for a permanent end to ‘Summer’ service cutbacks and consistent timetables throughout the summer period. “There is currently no consistency between the summer timetables used on the train and tram network and the summer timetables used for buses”, said PTUA Vice-President Alex Makin. “In addition the detrimental…

  • Tram extension would complement new Shoppingtown

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the State Government to fund the Doncaster tram extension so that the project could be completed simultaneously with the Doncaster Shoppingtown extension. “Doncaster’s status as an activity centre in Melbourne 2030 is still under threat despite the beginnings of the Doncaster Shoppingtown expansion,” said PTUA Vice-President…

  • Orbitals wait a disgrace

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has questioned the Government’s commitment and capability in delivering the Box Hill to Northland SmartBus, part of the long-awaited orbital bus routes around Melbourne.

  • Fool’s gold at end of the Eastlink rainbow

    PTUA treasurer Kerryn Wilmot has an opinion piece in the Business section of today’s Age, pointing out flaws in a report claiming economic benefits of the Eastlink tollway. You can read it on The Age web site: Fool’s gold at end of EastLink rainbow. If you’re also concerned about the current freeway fetish and lack…

  • PTUA unveils call for “Destination Doncaster”

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has demanded that all political parties reverse the ongoing public transport neglect in Manningham and Doncaster. “Manningham remains the only municipality in Melbourne without any form of rail or tram access”, PTUA Vice-President Alex Makin said. “As a result public transport patronage in Manningham is depressingly abysmal and will…

  • Huge surplus, no tram

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) questions why Manningham is once again neglected of overdue public transport projects given the announcement this week of a huge $825m surplus in the Victorian Budget for 2006.