Category: Melbourne and suburbs

  • Bus issue raised in parliament

    The issue of crowded buses and slow travel time on the 903 Smartbus, which runs from Mordialloc to Altona, has been raised recently in parliament on two separate occasions. Liberal MP Andrea Coote and Greens MP Susan Pennicuik have both criticised the unsatisfactory situation first brought to the public’s attention by the Public Transport Users…

  • 21st century upgrade call – Belgrave and Lilydale lines

    Passengers on the Lilydale and Belgrave lines beyond Ringwood are receiving train services that are below urban standards according to the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA). In the off-peak, services beyond Ringwood operate half-hourly, compared with every 15 minutes between the city and Ringwood. Peak hour services also finish very early at just after 8am…

  • Crime stats highlight station hotspots

    Analysis of 2009 crime statistics by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has shown that 45% of assaults on railway stations occur at just ten locations. The figures also showed about half the assaults occurred in the daytime. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said that the figures reinforced the association’s call for all stations to be…

  • No end to crowded buses

    Upgrade call from Heidelberg to Mordialloc Passengers on the route 903 Smartbus are still being forced to stand on slow, infrequent and overcrowded buses serving the busy Chadstone Shopping Centre. Despite previous concerns over crowded buses expressed by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA), the State Government has made no commitment towards fixing the problem.…

  • More train and bus services welcomed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed new Metro train timetables that will boost train services on some of Melbourne’s busiest lines, and as well as the boost to Smartbus services in Melbourne’s northeast. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said extra peak-hour services on the Werribee, Craigieburn and Sydenham lines would improve conditions for commuters.…

  • Freeways so 1950s

    CRAIG Langdon has kept his promise to voters to resign if a freeway through Heidelberg became Victorian Labor policy (”Freeway dissenter urges referendum”, The Age, 26/8). But how awkward that he’s left it until three months before the election rather than standing down in 2008 when plans were announced.

  • State election public transport forums in your area

    The Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF), of which the PTUA is an associate member, is holding public transport forums in various areas around Melbourne in the lead-up to November’s state election. The forums will feature speakers from all the major parties and questions from the community. Six forums are planned so far:

  • Call to staff all stations

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on all political parties to commit to fulltime staffing of all metropolitan railway stations, and a joint Victoria Police/Metro review to determine which stations should have a permanent police presence. “We should not have a train network of ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’”, said PTUA president Daniel Bowen. “Everyone’s…

  • Photos reveal crowded weekend buses

    BUSES serving the busy Chadstone Shopping Centre are slow, infrequent and overcrowded, with many passengers being forced to stand on weekend services. Photographs taken by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) show large numbers of standing passengers, and the PTUA said the same buses waste a lot of time stuck in traffic in and around…

  • Call for railway station at Southland

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the state government and opposition to commit to building a railway station at Southland Shopping Centre. PTUA president Daniel Bowen said it was ludicrous that a major traffic generator adjacent to a railway line had no station. Southland’s western entrance is only a short distance from…

  • Chadstone transport woes spur new group

    A new Facebook group has been launched by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA). The group aims to harness the support of the public in order to solve the many transport woes that exist around Chadstone Shopping Centre. “After years of bad planning and neglect we have a situation that is sub-optimal around Chadstone,” said…

  • Bus users call for 10 minute service — Stud Road

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for an upgrade of buses to every ten minutes on Stud Road, to make better use of new bus lanes. The upgrade from the existing 15 minute service would add two extra buses an hour. “Although we applaud the installation of new bus lanes, they would be…