Category: Melbourne and suburbs

  • Eastlink always was the wrong solution

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has attacked the State Government for propping up Eastlink with $700 million of taxpayer funds through its decision to build a Frankston Bypass. The Association says the money should be used to improve public transport instead. “We warned the government that Eastlink would be the wrong solution to our…

  • PTUA says extra rail services still needed

    Given the enormous growth in off-peak rail journeys across Melbourne, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is confident that in its upcoming transport statement, the state government will announce more off-peak train services, adding to those which started this week. “Finally the government has listened to the community and realises the need for increased off-peak…

  • Transport plan cuts spark calls for review of ‘extravagant’ Eddington Tunnels

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the State Government to make spending on suburban rail extensions the State’s highest transport infrastructure priority, following reports that the State Government would scale back spending on its upcoming transport plan. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said the State Government should reconsider its plans for the expensive…

  • Commuters welcome crossing removal, but warn of problems

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed progress by the Commonwealth and State governments towards the elimination of the Springvale Road level crossing in Nunawading. However, it has warned that the Mitcham Road and Rooks Road level crossings need to be done away with at the same time. “If work on each crossing is…

  • Free ‘night owl’ travel not quite the hoot

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has warned that Premier John Brumby’s proposal for free “night owl” travel will only result in worse crowding on evening trains.

  • Good public transport would save households thousands

    Multi-car families could save thousands of dollars a year if they had access to high quality public transport services, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has said. In promoting a call for public transport services “Every 10 Minutes to Everywhere“, PTUA president Daniel Bowen said that if fast frequent services were provided, more outer-suburban families…

  • PTUA joins push to speed up trams

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is cautiously throwing its weight behind a Yarra Trams campaign to promote greater traffic priority for trams and buses. Independent Melbourne Partners Against Congested Transport (IMPACT) is an industry coalition formed to oversee implementation of tram and bus priority measures in the government’s Keeping Melbourne Moving strategy. Members of…

  • PTUA East-West submission

    The PTUA has made a submission to the government on east-west travel options (aka the Eddington report). It can be downloaded here (PDF, 515Kb) 18/7/2008: The Department of Transport has started making some of the many submissions available on their web site.

  • The real missing link is public transport

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has expressed dismay at the Premier John Brumby for considering the building of the so-called `missing link’ freeway as part of a metropolitan ring road. The PTUA said that major public transport investment is needed instead.

  • Evening train upgrades would be a boon

    A Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) plan to upgrade evening train services would be a boon to the local economy in Whitehorse. Under the PTUA’s proposal, trains would operate every 15 minutes on all lines, including those to Belgrave, Lilydale, Alamein and Glen Waverley, seven days a week. “The current half-hourly evening train services are…

  • Eastlink is no solution

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today warned that the imminent opening of Eastlink will only have a short-term impact on the problems of traffic congestion in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, and do nothing to overcome car dependency. The PTUA’s Outer East Convenor Jeremy Lunn said that spending billions on the new freeway at the expense…

  • Call for services “every 10 minutes to everywhere”

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the government to take the next big step in upgrading public transport services. In launching their “Every 10 minutes to everywhere” plan at a climate change and transport forum at Melbourne Town Hall on Sunday, PTUA president Daniel Bowen noted the urgency for action on climate…