Category: Melbourne and suburbs

  • Train timetable revamp welcomed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed the government’s revamp of train timetables. From November the Clifton Hill loop will run in a consistent direction, and more trains will be diverted out of the over-congested City Loop. From mid-2009, more trains will run in off-peak hours. PTUA president Daniel Bowen said the long-awaited changes…

  • Road and rail tunnels not needed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has reacted with intense skepticism to the tunnel projects recommended by the East-West Link Needs Assessment (EWLNA). The EWLNA, headed by Sir Rod Eddington, recommended an 18km cross city road tunnel, connecting the Eastern Freeway at Clifton Hill with the western suburbs, and a 17km underground rail tunnel, running…

  • Manningham shunned again … and again

    Manningham public transport users have missed out on free Earlybird travel to be rolled out across the metropolitan train network at a cost of $10 million pa. From 31 March train users arriving at their destination before 7am will be able to travel one-way for free.

  • Sunday bus black hole in Whitehorse/Manningham

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for a complete rewrite of Sunday bus timetables in Melbourne’s east, to be carried out immediately. Under this plan, Sunday bus services would operate during the daytime on the same timetable as Saturdays.

  • Tram 96 among the world’s best — but could be even better

    Melbourne’s tram route 96, from East Brunswick through the city to St Kilda, has been declared one of the top ten tram rides in the world, according to National Geographic[1]. National Geographic’s new book “Journeys of a Lifetime: 500 of the World’s Greatest Trips”, published late last year, highlighted tram routes from cities around the…

  • New housing needs public transport urgently

    Over 90,000 new households will be locked into crippling car dependence unless state and federal governments urgently expand Melbourne’s rail network, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) warned today. “Families on Melbourne’s urban fringe have few transport options and are locked into owning and running at least one car per adult,” said PTUA President Daniel…

  • Commuters say: we want direct Alamein trains

    Ahead of contract renewals for Melbourne’s train network, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for much needed upgrades on the Alamein line. “Alamein commuters are sick and tired of being treated as second class citizens of the train system,” said Jeremy Lunn, the PTUA’s Outer-East Convenor.

  • Get on track Brumby and upgrade Lilydale line.

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for the immediate duplication of single track sections on the Lilydale line, along with service upgrades. “We’ve seen no major timetable changes or upgrades on our line since the Kennett era and it’s now time for action,” said Jeremy Lunn, the PTUA’s Outer-East Convenor. “The existing timetables…

  • Upgrade our trains Brumby, before we’re a backwater

    After years of government inaction, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for the immediate overhaul of train services in Melbourne’s east. Under this move, train services would be upgraded on the Belgrave, Lilydale, Glen Waverley and Alamein lines. “We’ve seen no major timetable changes or upgrades since the Kennett era and it’s now…

  • Smartcard cost would pay for conductors, station staff for over a decade

    The billion dollar cost of the troubled Myki smartcard ticketing system, revealed in the Herald Sun today, would cover the direct cost of re-staffing Melbourne’s transport system for over a decade, the Public Transport Users Association said today. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said rather than spending the money on a ticketing system which, like Metcard,…

  • Minister to review bike ban

    The PTUA is pleased to hear that the Minister for Public Transport, Lynne Kosky, will review the ban on bikes on peak hour trains. 1-Feb-2008: We are advised that in the mean time, no action will be taken against any cyclist with a bicycle on a peak hour train. The PTUA remains opposed to the…

  • SmartBus a success – though not quite there yet

    Following the success of the Warrigul Road SmartBus (route 700), the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is calling for the State Government to fix bus priority along with further upgrades. This would help to bring the bus service into line with trains.