Category: Melbourne and suburbs

  • Bicycles to be banned from peak hour trains

    V/Line and Connex plan to ban bicycles on peak hour trains from the 1st of January 2008. The V/Line ban will apply to all trains in the peak direction, and we understand that the Connex ban will apply to all trains in the peak direction within zone 1. (Bicycles will be allowed at all times…

  • No Hill without tram

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) said today that the Doncaster Hill project was destined for failure without a proper rail transport link and renewed calls for the immediate extension of tram 48 to Doncaster. “There’s no chance of a successful Doncaster Hill without a tram connecting to the city and nearby suburbs,” said PTUA…

  • Bus as slow as bicycle – Rowville train needed

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has renewed calls for the immediate construction of the Rowville Railway line, describing the route 900 Wellington Road SmartBus as inadequate. “Bus services just cannot be compared with trains,” said Jeremy Lunn, the PTUA’s Outer-East Convenor. “The bus crawls along at bicycle pace resulting in travel times of over…

  • Box Hill Commuters ‘hold on’ for Toilets

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called for the immediate installation of toilet facilities to be installed at Box Hill railway station, the only Premium Station in Melbourne without any toilet facilities. “Commuters have to go out of their way on a stroll through the shopping centre to find a toilet,” said Jeremy Lunn,…

  • Petition to end bus drought

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has launched a petition demanding an end to inadequate bus services along Canterbury Road and calling for a new ‘SmartBus’ service operating between Box Hill and Ringwood serving commuters, business and the community. “The bureaucrats and the Brumby Government are just not paying attention to the needs of the…

  • South Morang extension funding welcomed, but buck passing not

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has welcomed the Federal Coalition’s commitment of funds to the Mernda rail extension in Melbourne’s north. “This rail extension will help to cut greenhouse emissions and fuel expenses in the heart of the mortgage belt where transport costs put major pressure on household finances,” said PTUA President Daniel Bowen.…

  • Federal election forum: Yarra, this Wednesday

    Trams Trains and Tunnels — Meet Your Candidates for the 2007 Federal Election – Policies for the Future of Transport Time: 6:30 pm for 7 pm start. Date: Wednesday 24 October 2007 Venue: Collingwood Town Hall, 140 Hoddle Street, Abbotsford. Melway reference: 44 D5. Closest station: Collingwood.

  • Walk against Warming 2007

    1pm, State Library, Swanston Street, Melbourne Add your support to the call for more sustainable transport policies. Find out more at:

  • Election campaign starts, but public transport users still waiting

    With a federal election date now set, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has called on the parties to commit to improving public transport infrastructure to reduce greenhouse emissions and provide relief from high petrol prices and congestion. “Each day the science on climate change is becoming more certain, more alarming and clearer in the…

  • Passengers welcome extra trains

    The Public Transport Users Association has welcomed the announcement that eight additional trains will be purchased for Melbourne’s suburban network. PTUA President Daniel Bowen said that the eight new trains, added to the ten that have already been ordered, would help boost services and ease crowding. “Obviously we’re very pleased that the government has responded…

  • Call for decisive action on train network

    In the face of growing delays and overcrowding, the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) has urged the government to take decisive action to overhaul train services, to cut waiting times, improve reliability, and to handle and encourage further patronage growth. In releasing the PTUA’s “Getting Melbourne’s Rail System Back on Track” document, Mr Bowen said…

  • Roads Minister keeps passengers stuck in traffic

    The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) today expressed frustration with Roads Minister Tim Pallas’ failure to speed up road-based public transport, especially buses, due to lack of action on priority measures. “Roads Minister Tim Pallas needs to stop dragging his feet and start listening to the community, transport experts and his own advisors who all…