Category: PT Problem of the Day

  • PT Problem of the Day: How are Siemens train seats consistently the dirtiest on the system?

    Of all the trains, trams and buses in Melbourne, it does seem that the blue Siemens train seats are consistently the dirtiest. Some have been upgraded to a multi-coloured design that seems cleaner (or at least looks cleaner), but many carriages still have this blue design that so often puts people off. Help our campaign…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Bus overcrowding

    We’ve flagged Smartbus overcrowding before, but it’s also happening on other routes. This is route 513 on Bell Street, a section shared with the 903 Smartbus. Obviously more services are needed to keep up with demand, and better coordination to ensure even frequencies. Are you unhappy with public transport? Use our online tool to write…

  • PT Problem of the Day: V/Line overcrowding becoming more common

    We’re getting more reports of overcrowding on V/Line services, particularly in peak hour. The Geelong line appears to be worst, but it’s also occurring on the other lines. Some passengers regularly find they have to stand for long periods — or as can be seen here, sit on the floor. While the government is midway…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Some buses have Metcard validators, but no Myki readers

    PTUA members have recently noticed a number of buses without Myki readers aboard. It appears new vehicles are not being fully kitted out with Myki devices before going into service — although they are managing to get all the Metcard equipment installed. On this bus, running on route 626, the driver waved bemused Myki cardholders…

  • PT Problem of the Day: The new Westall station: Is there rain cover where it’s needed?

    The new Westall station. Plenty of cover from the rain along the platform, but none on the steps. Hopefully they don’t get too slippery. Are you unhappy with public transport? Use our online tool to write to your local MP and demand action. More about PT Problem Of The Day, including how you can contribute…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Flagstaff station is Melbourne’s only station closed on weekends

    Flagstaff is the only Melbourne railway station that is closed on weekends. The sign helpfully suggests using the City Circle tram to get to Melbourne Central, but this doesn’t run before 10am, or after 9pm Saturdays or 6pm Sundays. Originally the station was open on Saturdays, but the whole Loop was closed on Sundays. In…

  • PT Problem of the Day: What hope is there of trains being on time if even the clocks are wrong?

    Nunawading station. Help our campaign for better public transport. Join the PTUA now. We rely entirely on member funding and enthusiastic volunteers to operate. More about PT Problem Of The Day, including how you can contribute your photos. Are you unhappy with public transport? Use our online tool to write to your local MP and…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Dude, where’s my train?

    The sign says Moorabbin, but this train has actually just pulled into Melbourne Central, having travelled the 12 stations from Moorabbin. Sadly it’s not uncommon for carriage displays and automated announcements to be confused about where the train is. It must make things very confusing for occasional users. Help our campaign for better public transport.…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Myki: needs work before it’s perfect

    This was spotted at Melbourne Central Station recently. Yesterday the government announced they will keep the Myki system, and promised to “make it work”. And while PTUA members report the system has worked much better this year than it did last year, clearly, the government has some work to do to get it right. Help…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Confusion over Myki on V/Line

    Myki’s stalled rollout has resulted in confusion on V/Line. Both the V/Line and Myki web sites say that Myki is only valid on V/Line trains within Melbourne zones 1 and 2. “V/Line (myki is currently available for Zone 2 stations only)” — Myki web site “myki cannot currently be used on: V/Line train and coach…

  • PT Problem of the Day: St Kilda Road tram overcrowding

    Overcrowding on St Kilda Road trams has long been a problem, and doesn’t seem to be improving. Crowds like this now often spill out of the southbound superstop during the morning peak. More and longer trams would help, but so would better tram priority along the route, to speed up trams and cut delays, and…

  • PT Problem of the Day: Don’t fence me in

    Fences like these are probably done in the name of safety — protecting tram passengers from car drivers who should know to stop for trams, but sometimes don’t. The effect however can be delays to trams, as at busy stops the boarding and alighting passengers get funneled through the gaps in the fences. Surely there…